Last Monday Brogan and I made a deal that if he finished the WOD faster than the fastest RX time on the board, then I would ride his bike with his awesome helmet to the 400m line and back.

As you can see, he did it!
Here’s more from the big BRO…
Just wanted to write a note to explain what I’m calling “my turbo week of training.”
Last week I had given up on a race that I’d be doing on Saturday because I hadn’t done enough road miles. Because of this point of view I decided to train two times per day so that I could honestly say that the race was simply a training run and that the results could be whatever and I’d be happy.
Every morning I raced stairs at Harvard, ran miles around the Charles River, and found every PM with you guys in Southie. Throughout the week I posted to PR’s one of which has made the board in your gym (Kelly). In attempting to really layer on the training, I started to see that I was actually have a pretty amazing week. The Harvard Stadium “tour,” a longtime favorite FREE workout where you run up the seats and down the steps of all 37 sections for time, was flying by. Posting a 19:38 I hit my August goal of breaking 20 minutes. Again, I was feeling amazing.
Friday I ran from my house in Central to Berretta’s class where he helped me through my first assisted muscle ups on the bar. With a gym packed many times per day with guys and gals who can do these unassisted
on rings I wasn’t able to get too loud about how pumped I was but… I WAS FUCKING PUMPED. Went off to work, got a few hours of sleep (2), and left for Bear Mountain, NY at 4:00AM solo to meet a childhood friend who would be my only teammate for the four person Marathon Relay that was a part of
The North Face Endurance Challenge.
Nick took off into the woods for the first of 4 legs of the race. When he came out roughly 40 minutes later there was no one in sight. We were in front. I took the race chip from him and headed into the woods and up the mountain for my first of two sections of the shared 26.2 miles. Again, all teams in the event had four members – stupid and a little cocky, we decided to take it on ourselves. Nick ran sections 1 and 3, while I took on 2 and the final loop.
We ended up staying out in front and I crossed the line with our team’s time of 3:11 min for what The North Face is calling 5 of 5 stars for difficulty, elevation changes, and a number of other rankings.
I’ve posted my photos on a public album on Facebook. They are pretty hilarious (belly shirts, getting our medals from Dean Karnazes, and so on).
I’m telling you all of this because I was and am very proud of how last week unfolded. 2 PR’s, a name on the board at Southie, and Nick and I standing on a podium with two gold medals around our necks.
Training or racing can be one in the same. I guess this is why you guys have so many badass fuckers that come to your space every single day.
I know that I joke roughly 85% of the time but I wanted to share my journey and thank you all for the extra push last week and walking me through an amazing week.
It was a good lesson in “not over thinking the training” and how sometimes “more is a good thing.”
In other news…The internal throwdown is tomorrow!! If you have not paid yet you MUST pay before Saturday or you cannot compete. We are still waiting on money from quite a few people. There have been some changes to the heats, so make sure you re-check your heats at some point today or tomorrow morning.
Volunteers and Judges arrive- 8am
Judges Meeting 8:15am- 8:25 Cover all standards for first 3 workouts
Volunteer/Judges gathering– 8:30– Will cover more details about the day’s flow
Athlete Briefing 8:30am– Cover all standards for first 3 wods
Opening announcements- 8:50am
WOD 1 Start-9:00am
WOD 2 Start- 10:30am
WOD 3 Start- 11:45am
BBQ Begins- 1:00pm
**There will be a final WOD for the top 6 men and top 6 RX women following the third WOD**
Click here to see your heat assignments and stations for WODs 1-3.
Athletes you must be present at the 8:30 athlete briefing to compete. We will be covering all of the standards then. Thanks!
Some things to take note of:
- The warm-up area will be in Southie Orange. There will be NO structured warm-up. You are on your responsible for warming up on your own and please make sure you do so adequately!
- There will not be a jump rope in your station for workout 2. Make sure you supply your own jump rope at the proper length, or find one at the box to use prior to the start of your heat.
- You will have a judge for every workout, please be nice to your judge 🙂 If they say “no rep” it means it doesn’t count. We will be covering standards at the athlete meeting at 8:30am and we will be strict about upholding those standards.
- You are doing 3 workouts! Bring some recovery food with you. Something with sugar like fruit or a larabar , or a protein shake will help your energy level and recovery. Please prepare, it will help your performance.
- Remember the purpose of this event is to have fun! So pleeease just do your best and have a blast.
Overhead squat
5-5-5- Strict sets
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Row 500m
10 Hang Squat snatches (95,65)
10 Burpee Pull-ups
Row 400m
8 Hang Squat snatches
8 Burpee Pull-ups
Row 300m
6 Hang Squat Snatches
6 Burpee Pull-ups
Row 200m
4 Hang Squat Snatches
4 Burpee Pull-ups
Row 100m
2 Hang Squat snatches
2 Burpee Pull-ups
Level 2 (65,45)
Level 1 (45,25)