CompetitorWOD – 10 rep Back Squat

Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning

We are asking all athletes to scan the shelving next to the desk for any shoes, belts, equipment. If you are interested in keeping your belongs please MOVE ALL ITEMS TO THE SHELVES NEXT TO THE FRIDGE. Any items left will be given to good will on Friday 4/8.

5 minutes of consecutive jump roping. 40 seconds of singles, 20 seconds of dubs for 5 rounds no rest. Stench the calves.

Triple Unders

Power Clean
Touch and Go
-Between sets complete 5 triple under attempts

Back Squat
Work up to a 10 Rep Max
See if you can get close to the end of the 20 Rep Squat program weight

For Time
50 Squat Clean Thrusters (135,95)
EMOM 1 Muscle-up+4 Ring Dips

Open- 5 Ring Dips, 40 squat clean thrusters