
Stick The Landing
Stick The Landing

Please note – only Southie Green will be open today due to the Endurance cert.  Open gym will only be allowed from 12-2, please do not try to do the Burntoast programming from 9-12 as general CrossFit classes are expected to be large today as only one box is being run.  The BT class will run as scheduled at 8am.  Also, the parking lot and running path will be off limits for workout areas today per request of the Endurance cert crew.  No funny business. Thank you for your consideration.

Row 800m

With an empty barbell:
5 Split Jerks
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Snatch Balances
5 Drop Snatches
5 High Hang Squat Snatches
5 mid Hang Squat Snatches
5 Low Hang Squat Snatches
5 Split Jerks

Mobilize –
shoulders, upper back, front rack and ankles

front rack buddy stretch

barbell ankle Oly MOB

**The Oly cycle starts Monday. It is important to know where you are at for your percentages**

1. Work up to a 1RM Snatch

2. Work up to a 1RM Clean & Jerk