

Did you guys know that we have our very own Paleo Blogger! Rebecca Ong-Sutherland is a member here at CFS and has a great site you all should check out:

Here are some words from Rebecca:

I know there are lots of versions of “paleo” out there so some of the things I cook and eat may or may not be a little different than the CFS’s list of approved foods.  Most of my meals are Whole30 approved.

I don’t make money off this blog, it’s really just a fun side project that keeps me motivated to not cheat and to continually push myself to make somewhat interesting meals and try new foods and cooking techniques.  I overhear a lot of people saying that paleo is boring, so I try to make things that are relatively easy and delicious.  And definitely not boring!

Front Squat

6 Rounds
7 Power snatches (115,75)
10 Up and over the box jumps

Level 2 (95,65)
Level 1 (65,35), Step up and over the box, 4 Rounds