*There will be NO babysitting service tomorrow, 6/3. We apologize for the inconvenience!*
Southie Spotlight!
Did you know your weekly achievements get posted on Instagram each and every Friday?! We love celebrating your hard work. Scroll down to see your May Member Achievements. If you or someone you know got a PR in the month of May and we missed it please let us know!! Keep up the great work everyone! We can’t wait to see what June brings!
Southie Sidepiece
Congratulations to Brian Campbell who had the top time for May’s Southie Sidepiece Challenge! Brian performed this work out twice and after some practice with the pegboard was able to cut his time in half and take the top time overall! Hard work pays off! Great job to everyone that stepped outside of their comfort zone, event if you just took the time to play around on the Pegboard for the first time, consider that a win. Scroll down to see our results for the challenge.
6 min AMRAP for Quality
50’ Duckwalk
10 Burpees to Target
5 Strict Pull Ups
L1 – 10 Jumping Pull Ups
ADV- Strict C2B Pull Ups
1. Press
2. Push-press
Thruster (95,65)
Burpee Pull-up
Level 2- (75,50)
Level 1- (55,35)