Warm Up
10 Burpee Lateral Jumps then..
30s Work|10s Rest
-Jump Rope Singles
-Banded Strict Press
-PVC Around the Worlds
-Jump Rope – Double Unders
-Banded Side Steps with arms Extended in OHS
-Pass throughs in a Quarter Squat
-Jump Rope Doubles or Triple Attempts
-Banded Monster Walk
-Pass Throughs in a Full Squat
Calves, Thoracic, Lats
Back Squat
5 Reps
-Straight Sets-
5 Rounds
10 Overhead Squats 115|75
10 Burpee Lateral Jumps
50 Double Unders
Level 2- 95|55
Level 1- 75|35
Extra Work
5 Rounds
15 Cal Row
50ft HS Walk
15 Cal Row
Rest 90s
*Scale HS Walk to 25ft or Overhead double KB carry 1.5|1 poods