Sorry first responders for the delay on this post! On Saturday, March 2nd CrossFit Southie took home the 1st place trophy for the 2nd year in a row!! The day was filled with a lot of ups and downs, and at the end of the last event it was not obvious that they won. However, they had placed well over all of the events, and averaged enough “good” finishes that they took first.
The winning Southie team had 3 veterans- James Colvin, Ham, and Melberg,and then two newbies-Mike McGuire and Eugene. We also had a second team that competed, all new to the competition-B.Sully, Neal, Dennis, Victor, and Mikey Jones. The B team did outstanding as well, everyone was fun to watch.
Not only did these guys compete at Reebok One, they also did 7 weeks of workouts leading up to the competition. They put in a lot of time and effort and truly gave it their all. Thank you first responders for all of your time on the streets and in the field. We are honored to have you represent CFS in your spare time and appreciate every wallball, ring dip, thruster, and partner push-up that you did! Much respect.
Post some love to comments for the first responders.
Partner WOD 1
12 minute AMRAP
3 Wall Climbs
10 Pull-ups
Level 1 -10 HR push-ups
Rest 10 Minutes
Partner WOD 2
12 Minute AMRAP
200m row
100m run
For both WOD’s – One person works
through an entire round and
then switch.