What is the First Responders Challenge?
A 4 week online team competition with 1 WOD per week that leads into a live one day tournament for all teams.
Who is eligible?
The Challenge is open to CrossFitters who are active members of Fire, Police, EMT, K-9 Units, SWAT, Sheriff or Military.
When does the challenge take place?
January 5 – February 8, 2015
What are the requirements?
These competitions will be designed for fundamental CrossFit movements and will not be scaled.
Here are a few examples:
135/95 Ground to overhead
95/65 Multiple barbell movements
Wall Balls 20/14
Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1
Box Jumps 24/20
Chin Ups
Double Unders
How can I sign up?
We are asking all of you who are eligible to please email [email protected] or express your interest to any coach. We will then organize and form the teams based on experience and skill level. Each team can have up to 6 athletes, with only 4 being asked to complete the WOD for each week. This is a great way to increase your fitness, learn to build chemistry with others and challenge your fellow first responders!
Other Details
Early Registration Deadline = November 30th = $85 per person (the earlier the better – lets get on it!)
Registration Deadline > November 30th – January 2nd = $125 per person
Run 2 loops (1067m) or Row 1350 or 250 Double Unders
3 Rounds
20 Shoulder to Overhead (115,75)
20 Wallballs
Run 2 loops (1067m) or Row 1350 or 250 Double Unders
Level 2- (95,65)
Level 1- (75,45)
Mobility Class:
Squat Therapy