Final Weigh-in

Nick showing off his paleo bod in a ladies tank.

This Saturday marks the end of the paleo challenge. Monday we will be doing all the benchmarks as the WOD. Max deadlift, max pull-ups, max 1000m row, and max burpees in one minute. Even if you didn’t do the challenge it will be  good to record these benchmarks. I will also be pulling people aside to take final measurements. I am excited to see these results!

Double WOD
Thrusters (95,65)
Swings (2/1.5)

L3 (75/55) (1.5/1)
L2 (65, 45) (1.5/1)
L1 (55, 35) (1/.5) 18-15-12-9-6-3

15 minute cap (scale the weight down so you can keep moving)

Rest 10 minutes

7 Rounds of
12 Wall Balls (20,14)
12 Pull Ups

L2 (5 Rounds)
L1 (4Rounds)

15 minute cap (scale the pull ups and wall balls to a difficulty where you can keep moving ex. a more helpful band or jumping pull up)