Judged WODs
In the next few weeks leading up to the Opens we will be partnering up and judging each other during different portion of the daily WOD. Why? First and foremost to make sure we uphold standards. Lets get all those no reps out of our system now. No Reps are just wasted energy. Secondly, we want to sharpen your judging skills and make sure you are up to par. Lastly, everyone works harder when someone is watching and counting which equals more fitness. As a judge, make sure you are judging and not coaching. Be strict, if it is questionable it is a no rep. That is going to be our policy in the Open so let’s get used to it now.
Judging Exam
Also, there is an excellent online judging course put out by CrossFit HQ that can be found here. Individuals are not required to take the course to be a judge during the opens but is highly recommended on our end as it covers the in’s and out’s of judging. It is also helpful as an athlete to know what is expected of you and it makes our jobs as coaches easier when you calmly accept our no reps as you are aware of what you are doing wrong (we actually are not A-holes, we just have standards). If you have any desire to compete at a higher level, PLEASE take the exam. We are actually making this course mandatory for all of our coaching staff and our Team A participants.
That’s all for now just over 20 days before the Opens kick off. Get pumped!
Warm up
Alternating between
Hollow rocks
make quick transitions between the dubs and hollow rocks..keep the clock running. keep count of your reps so you work harder for them.
Strength WOD
Since only one or two peeps touched this floater WOD, we are going to hit it in class. For the few that did, beat your score or Squat Snatches.
2 min AMRAP (Partner up to judge reps)
Squat clean thrusters
Games – 165/110
Regional – 155/105
Open – 135/95
Gymnastics TEST
2 sets of max T2B (judged as well, both feet must break the plane-behind the pull up bar down the bottom-and make contact with the bar at the same time at the top)
Power Snatch (95,65)
Wallballs (20/14)
Toes to Bar
**Don’t scale up! Move faster!**