Spring Paleo Challenge: April 26 – June 6th
You asked for it! The next Paleo Challenge will kick off on April 26th! What’s Paleo, you ask? In short, paleo encourages us to eat like cavement: eat real food. During the 6 week challenge, your goal is to consume only meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. You’ll record your daily food intake and we’ll track some baseline measurements (weight, hips, waist), along with some benchmarks in the gym. At the end of the challenge, the goal is to be leaner, stronger and faster!
If you’ve been curious about trying the Paleo lifestyle, or maybe just looking for a new approach to your nutrition, this is an excellent opportunity to do so with the support of your fellow CrossFitters. Done a Paleo Challenge or two before? That doesn’t mean you should skip out on this one! Focusing on your diet for 6 weeks and tracking your food and performance can give you a better insight to how you are truly handling your nutrition. Maybe you’ve been cheating more than you thought!
If you’re interested in participating, please join us for our Paleo Challenge Lecture on Wednesday, April 15th at 7pm. We’ll go over the ins and outs of Paleo: what to eat, what to avoid, and why we eat the way we do. We’ll also cover the rules of the challenge and what will be required over the six weeks. Mark your calendars and get excited!
Odd- Snatch
Even- 40 Double Unders
Mins 1-9- 2 Squat Snatches 75-85%
Mins- 11-19- 1 Squat Snatch- 85-95%
L2- 20 Double Unders
Level 1- Single Unders, 1 Power Snatch 2 Overhead Squats
3 Rounds
15 Wallballs
15 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
15 Burpees
Level 2 (1.5,1)
Level 1 (1,0.75)
Tonight’s Moskillity Class – 7:00-7:45pm in Southie Green with Coach Jones
Movement: Bar Hanging Gymnastics ( Toes to Bar – Ball Ups – etc )
Mobility Area: Shoulders – Core