Fundraiser for Coach Hyatt
Hey Everybody!
As you may or may not have heard, I will be leaving you all in a few weeks, as I will be embarking on a year of missionary service in Florida. I will be working with the campus ministry at Florida State University, taking on a role as a “Mission Leader.” This will consist of reaching out to the younger undergraduate men on campus, meeting with them to help bring them into the faith and mentor them in their own lives. As many of you have probably seen, there are a thousand different distractions present on a college campus. Right now, I just feel called to help form these students into the men (and future fathers) that their families and friends can depend on, and to help them reach their potential. In addition, I will be doing further outreach, service, and leadership work for the community there.
So this is why I am reaching out to all of you—to help raise the funds to be able to live and carry out the ministry work. My fundraising goal is $15,000, which covers rent, food/nutritional needs, gas, etc, as well as a Crossfit gym membership, so I don’t come back to Boston next May completely out of shape!! One of the biggest goals in my life is still to qualify for Regionals, and this support will give me the opportunity to continue to pursue that and compete at a high level.
This Saturday will be a fundraiser day for these living expenses. We will have a donations jar set up by the desk, and I would greatly appreciate your help in any way. One of the easiest ways to support is through a check written out to the Catholic Student Union at Florida State University, which is a nonprofit and therefore any donations are tax deductible. In the memo of the check, you just have to write that it is to “ML-Mike Hyatt”, so that the staff knows who the donation is supporting. You can also bring cash if that is easier as well.
Another option is to donate online through the organizations PayPal account. However, you would also need to specify that the donation, through the Catholic Student Union, is going to support me. On the review page, there is a small “+” prompting you for the nature of the donation. ***Here, you have to write ML-Mike Hyatt, or I will not directly receive the support throughout the year. Here is the link to the CSU donation page, and you would click the donate button on the second option to get to the PayPal: Donation Page
Also, it looks like the workout this Saturday is a partner WOD. Coach Tina and I will be completing the workout early in the day to put up the score to beat, and any group who beats us will win a prize!
4 Rounds
15 Burpee Lateral Jumps
500m Row
15 Thrusters (95,65)
Rest 2 Minutes
Level 2 (75,55)
Level 1 (65,35)
*600m Run can be subbed for Row
1 mile run at 70%
Level 1-800m Run