Lots of Hugs and Butt Slaps This Week

games 3  TJ thrusterteam Ateam southieTJ chainsamy and tjTJ and TinaTJ interviewCRCF throwdownTJ winter

Endurance Program is back on Starting tonight. Meet Brogan at the garage door of Southie Green at 6:30pm. This is a free class, take advantage.

Business Networking Event tonight @ 6:30 @ the Stadium

On January, 26th 2011 I walked into the gym and saw a human speciman unlike any that I had ever seen within the 4 walls of CrossFit Southie. The workout of the day was Fight Gone Bad. Fight Gone Bad is a small man’s workout. The light weight and the box jumps make it tough for the big guys to  rep out big scores. This new guy was the biggest dude that I had ever seen doing Crossfit, and he pulled out the 2nd highest score in the gym at the time with 388 reps. I went home that night and told Goose “I need this guy at our gym”. This incredible athlete was TJ O’Neil.

Prior to that day TJ had came by the box to scope it out, Goose was there to greet him. TJ asked Goose “I heard you have bumper plates here” and Goose replied, “we have a little more than bumper plates”. TJ didn’t really know too much about CrossFit, he would do some WODs with his buddy Kevin Mullins from time to time. We were hoping he would give it a chance and grow to love it, and fortunate for us he did.

TJ competed in the CrossFit Open in 2011. There was a workout that had burpee lateral jumps, heavy overhead squats, and then muscle-ups. TJ got his first muscle-ups during the open WOD, which looked like a chestsandbag run fly while suspended in the air. It was pretty amusing. TJ went on to compete for the team at the Northeast Regional in June of that year. He showed up with his American flag bandana on looking cool and confident. The thruster ladder was on Friday and he put on a show. That year they had one male and one female make their way through the Thruster Ladder for the teams, and the individuals did the same. TJ out-lifted all the teams by about 30 pounds and beat all of the individual men other than Rob Orlando who he tied. He did this with a little swoosh of the hands after each lift. Everyone that was at the Reebok headquarters wanted to talk it up with him, he accomplished celebrity status by the end of the weekend.CrossFit Southie had only been open for about 7 months at the time of the Regional and TJ definitely brought a lot of positive attention to the gym.

With time TJ became more involved at the Box with a couple hours/week of coaching. As he became more interested in CrossFit he became a better coach. When TJ expressed interest in coaching more  he went through the CFS intern program. In the spring of 2012 TJ took on 18 classes/week and has been coaching weekly ever since. TJ’s growth as a coach has been exceptional. His knowledge and his ability to teach movements is impressive. TJ’s classes are always laidback and full of jokes and laughs. For a guy that looks as intimidating as he does, he has an endearing compassion for people.

TJ is the only athlete at CrossFit Southie that competed on the Regional team all 3 years. In 2012 we finished 2nd and traveled to LA for the Finals. We put him in a hotel room with Andrea and Haley and he played them songs on his ukulele all week long. TJ is extermly musically talented, if you have not noticed. He actually helped write many of the songs for the Reggae Band Stick Figure (TJ’s best friend his the lead singer) and TJ sings some small parts on the album as well. TJ is a simple man of many talents.

This is going to be TJ’s last week coaching at CFS. TJ has accepted an apprenticeship under Strongman Rob Orlando, which is Stamford, Connecticut. Rob owns Hybrid Athletics, which is a box that specializes in Strongman Training-stones, yolks, kegs…you know, all the fun stuff that you can find around the box. This is a major opportunity for TJ and we support him 110%. Strongman training is definitely TJ’s niche, who wouldn’t want to learn from him??

TJ is an exceptional person, he has been incredibly kind, considerate, and thankful in his time here at CrossFit Southie. Words can’t express how much we will miss having TJ around the box, but we know he will be back often…lucky for us Tina-mo is staying in town.

We love you TJ! This place will not feel the same without you!

Please post your favorite TJ quotes or memories to comments. 


Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes
4 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95,65)
5 Toes to Bar
6 Alternating Pistols

Level 2 (75,55)
Level 1 (65,35) 4,4,4
ADV (115/80)

**5 burpees over the bar for every round missed**