AT HOME FITNESS – Live coached WODs on Zoom at 12pm & 530pm today. Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming times. Follow the link in our bio to join—->
Warm Up
5 Step Up Reverse Lunge Left
5 Step Up Reverse Lunge Right
10 Alternating Single Arm Devils Presses
5 Single Arm Overhead Lunge Left
5 Single Arm Overhead Lunge Right
200m Run
Warm Up Flow – Start with a 200m. With any time remaining in the 2 minutes start to chip away at the warm up which is one time through. Once the 2 minute mark hits, run an additional 200m and then pick back up where you left. Continue forward in this fashion until you complete the warm up. This WOD flow follows this same format.
1 Minute of each
-Wall Facing Squat with Overhead Broomstick
-Ballerina Hip Stretch
Weighted Step-up to Reverse Lunge
1. Right Leg- 10 Reps
2. Left Leg- 10 Reps
3. Rest
3 Rounds
20 Alternating SA Devil’s Press 50|35
20 SA Overhead Lunge 50|35 (10 Each Side)
200M Run
Rx Barbel sub = 95/65
Level 2- Front Rack Lunge 40|25
Level 1- 100m Run, Front Rack Lunge 30|15
Extra Work
Work Up to a Heavy Curtis P*
Curtis P =
1 Power Clean
1 Lunge Right
1 Lunge Left
*Use a Barbell or Heavy Odd Object. If you do not have access to heavy weight increase the reps to 2 -5 of each. If you are performing a single arm version, complete the complex reps all on one side before moving to the other side.