The In-House Throwdown is only 10 days away! But fear not, it’s not too late to register. Click here to get signed up – you don’t want to be the only one who misses out on this good time! Check out the second workout below:
Event 2: Pullin’ Power (14 minute cap)
25 Pullups
400m Run
25 Power Snatches (115,75#)
400m Run
25 Pullups
Scaled: 75,45# snatches; blue band pull ups
Why do you really CrossFit?
I often ask many of the members around the gym, “Why do you crossfit?” They look at me for a few seconds, pondering, and then say something along the lines of “Because I want to deadlift twice my body weight!”, or “So I can do Fran RX!” At the end of the day, that is awesome and it always inspires me to work harder knowing the goals that the members at our gym have. Seeing their faces light up when they say it is what makes my job so rewarding as a coach at CrossFit Southie. But then I go even further and ask, “Now why do you really do CrossFit?”
I remember being asked this same exact question about a year ago by a close friend of mine, and was I baffled. I told him “Dude, I want the best numbers out of the whole gym, that’s why!” … like he had just insulted me or something. And with a grin, he looked back at me and said “Numbers are great, but at the end of the day it’s only a number”. Boy was my world turned upside down. I spent that whole week thinking about what they had said and still couldn’t wrap my mind around it. “At the end of the day it’s just a number?” I said aloud, like it would make more sense rather than saying it inside my head. I had come to the conclusion that he was out of his mind, had fallen off the deep end – until it hit me.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a new PR just like the next person, but what I had learned a year ago was more profound then I had imagined. The reason I am telling this story is because often times at the gym and in our daily life we get too caught up in “The Numbers” and if we just take a step back and ask ourselves “why are we really doing this” it makes the journey and experience so much more gratifying. For me personally, CrossFit has become less about the numbers and more about the friends we make and the experiences we remember. The tough WODs we tackle together and the burning sensation in our lungs after a run…the pain face we get as we try to pick the barbell up for one more rep. These experiences that I get to share with our community are what makes CrossFit so enjoyable for myself and are what keeps me coming back. So I challenge you guys to dig deep and ask yourself, why do you really CrossFit? Post to comments!
Max Consecutive Double Unders
5 Rounds
400m Sprint
50 Double Unders
Level 2- 25 Double Unders
Level 1 – 4 Rounds, 100 Singles
30 V-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Bicycle Abs
Mobility Class:
Lower Body