Dot Ave Dash


200M Run Then

Alternating Tabata (4:00)
-Toe Taps on Medball
-Medball Single Leg V-Ups

Shoulder Rolling

3 Rounds
30s work|10s Rest
1. With a Mini Band
2. Wall Sit
3. Glute Bridges*
4. Mountain Climber**

*Back supported by the medball
**Hands on ball, Miniband around feet

3 Rounds
30 Wall Balls 20|14
30 MB Weighted Sit-Up 20|14
30 Push-ups

E4MOM 400m Run

*The workout starts with the run.

Level 2 – 20 Reps of Each
Level 1 – 15 Reps of Each, 200m Run
ADV- 15 Strict Handstand Push-ups, Med Ball GHD

Extra Work
Every 2:00 for 12:00
1 Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean*

*Reset Between Clean Pull and Power Clean