CFS Comedy Night Tonight!
If you are a CFS member and missed the boat on tickets, let us know we may have some available!
Comedy night returns to Southie! “Don’t Tell Comedy Boston” is a local team of comedy lovers and comedians who are passionate about creating a fun and relaxed environment for experiencing live comedy. All comedians remain unknown until they take the stage. Every lineup is carefully curated to include the very best local and nationally touring talent. This event is BYOB and Snacks. Doors open at 7:30PM
Date/Time: Saturday 3/26 at 8PM
Location: Crossfit Southie!
400M Run
10 – 8 – 6
-Bandy Side Step w/Overhead Lockout*
-Bandy Good Morning
-Bandy Thruster**
*10 steps in each direction
Quad Rolling
Hamstring Stretching
9:00 EMOM
1. 200’ Sandbag Carry
2. 10 Bandy Face Pulls
3. 12/10 Calorie Ski
3 Rounds
400m Run
12 Front Squats 135|95
-Rest 2 Minutes-
3 Rounds
300m Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead 135|95
-Rest 2 Minutes-
3 Rounds
200m Run
6 Thrusters 135|95
Level 3- 115|75
Level 2- 95|65
Level 1-75|45, 9-6-3 Reps
Row Sub- 500-375 -250
Bike Sub- .8-.6-.4
*Coaches note– If you do not think you can do the first round unbroken, scale the weight
Extra Work
Quarterfinal Work out Number 1
50 dumbbell walking lunges
30 handstand push-ups
40 front-rack walking lunges
20 deficit handstand push-ups
30 overhead walking lunges
10 strict handstand push-ups
♀ 2 x 35-lb dumbbells for all lunges,
2-in deficit
♂ 2 x 50-lb dumbbells for all lunges,
3.5-in deficit
Time cap: 15 minutes
Scaling Options
-35/25# Dumbbells
20-10-5 Reps
-All kipping HSPU