Want to improve your rowing? Want to test yourself in the C.R.A.S.H. B’s this year?

Some words on the C.R.A.S.H. B’s from Eugene…
CRASH-Bs are a really fun event (this year it will be held on 02/17/2013), I’ve done it myself four times I believe. I’ve successfully convinced a couple of my friends to do it with me (Hanson, for one). I’d love to get the word out about this among the Southie crowd.  The 2k is an event that teaches you a lot about yourself and if people can’t be running, then they can at least be Erging, right?
Eugene has rowed for six years, four of them at the varsity collegiate level and he also coached for one year at the collegiate level.  He will be giving some quick and dirty Erging seminars, on Saturday’s at 11:30 every Saturday in January,  and dishing out rowing floater WODs leading into the event so people have that familiarity with how to do a 2k.
Post to comments if you are interested in the Seminars and/or rowing your bunskis off in the C.R.A.S.H. B’s this year.

Strength Complex- 20 mins to establish max weight without letting go of the bar
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Jerks
5 Front Squats

5 rounds
3 Minute AMRAP
3 hang squat cleans (115,80)
20 double unders
Rest 1 minute after each 3 minute cycle

Level 2 (95,65)
Level 1 (75,45)