This will be our last week of strength biased training. We will follow that up with a deload week and then a week where we retest our 1RMs. During both of these weeks, we will program some high skill gymnastics and conditioning. The deload week is important, keep the volume low and give your body a chance to recover and grow stronger. We have been beating ourselves up for the last six weeks, most strength gains are realized in the recovery. There is going to be lots more volume and strength work to come in the Oly program so make sure to take a step back now.
In true CrossFit fashion, we were able to sneak in some snatching, c&j’ing and some conditioning so our technique and metcon didn’t leave us completely. From the sound of it, most of you have gotten much stronger. Heavy weights tend to be a big separator when it comes to most competitions. Therefore, letting your longer metcon suffer for a bit is a small price to pay for long term strength gains, especially at this point in the competition season.
After the retest week we will start on our Oly adventure. This will include lots of technical work, lots of heavy Oly reps, more back/front squatting and a variety of metcons and interval work. We will venture into some longer intervals bouts but the true conditioning cycle will be tackled during the last two macro-cycles leading up to the opens, once the Strength/Oly base is built .
Warm-up – 10 minutes
200m Kb run
5 Single Arm Swings, 5 SA High Pulls, 5 SA Snatches, 5 SA Wind Mills
Switch arms
Repeat for 3 reps of each with a heavier KB
Strength – 25 minutes
1. Press – 5-5-5
2. Push Press – 3-3-3
3. Split Jerk – 1-1-1
Ascending Ladder of
Clean & Jerk
Muscle Up
*feel free to sub in dumbbells for today’s WOD
Games (205/135)
Regional (185/125)
Open (165/105)
Ca$h Out
1 max attempt at
Ring Dips
*Can be kipping or strict