Diane. Giggity Giggity

biscoe wallball 2

Warm-up (20 minutes)
10 Muscle snatches
15 Overhead squats
10 Front squats
15 Good mornings
10 Squat Snatches working on starting position and hip contact
-Begin to warm up the snatch

Oly (10 minutes)
Snatch Ladder

Games- Starting at 175,115
Regional- Starting at 155,100
Open-Starting at 125,85

*Every minute Increase by 10lbs for guys 5lbs for women. You will be switching out weights so try to work in groups of 2 or 3.
*You should be confident that you can complete 7 lifts.

WOD (8 minute cap)
Deadlifts (225,155)
Handstand Push-ups

Calories on the Rower
Rest 1:1
Record times.

Remember big strong pulls = more calories…Shoot for 1 calorie/pull