death by errrything

AT HOME FITNESS – Live coached WODs on Zoom at 12pm & 530pm today. Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming times. Follow the link in our bio to join—->

Warm Up
5 minutes of Jump Roping
EMOM 4 burpees, 4 V-ups

*mix in single leg, skipping, skiing, front to back, high knees, double unders, etc..

Coaches, please call the jump rope commands out.


-10 Hug Mornings
-1 minute Handstand Hold*
-10 Stiff Legged Deadlifts
-1 minute of Handstand Scap Push Ups or High Plank Scap Push Ups
-5 Glute Bridge Walk Outs

*sub wall facing or high plank with feet on or off the wall

Calf and Hamstring Rolling and Stretching

SL Wall Supported Deadlift
ODD- 10 Reps Left
Even- 10 reps Right

1. Death By-
Double Unders
Start at 10 and increase by 10 Reps

Followed Immediately by

2. Death By-
Toes to Bar or V-ups
Start at 3 and increase by 3 reps

Followed Immediately by

3.Death By-
Strict Handstand Push-ups Increase by 1 rep
Sub Seated Strict Press

Level 2- Increase by 5 double unders
Level 1- Single Unders, Double Crunch Sub, Push Ups
ADV – Start at 50 for dubs, start at 5 on SHPUs

Workout Flow
In a Death By, the athlete has the entire minute to complete the required reps. The athlete then rests until the start of the next minute where he/she completes the next jump in reps. This process continues until the athlete can no longer complete the required reps within the minute.

In this case of back to back Death By’s, when the athlete can no longer complete the required double Unders they will start the T2b|V-Up Death By on the next minute with the required 3 reps.