8 Minute AMRAP
30 Chest to bar pull-ups
25 Thrusters (115/75)
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Thrusters
10 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Thrusters
RX- 115,75
Scaled- 75,45/Chin over the bar pull-ups with blue band /10 bar muscle-ups=10 pull-ups
Yes there are Bar Muscle-ups in this workout, and no they were not listed in the registration standards, we did that on purpose. Those who can complete the workout with the bar muscle-ups will be rewarded for their gymnastic skills. Those who do not have bar muscle-ups will not be penalized in any way. They will be ranked by their tiebreak time similar to the CrossFit Open.
Scoring – The athletes score will be the total number of reps completed during the 8 minutes. If the athlete completes the sequence, they will start over at the top until the 8 min mark is reached. There will be a tiebreak time at the completion of the 15 Thrusters for those unable to complete any bar muscle ups, in the RX division.
Chest to bar pull up– arms must be fully extended at the bottom and chest (below the clavicle) must make contact with the bar.
Thrusters– The athlete may squat clean the first rep. Hip crease must clearly be below the knee. Full extension, with control at the top with bar locked out over the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle is required at the top of each rep.
Bar Muscle Ups– The athlete must start each rep with the arms fully extended. The rep is not concluded until full extension of the triceps above, not behind, the pull up bar is achieved. Fade away no reps will be strictly enforced.