CrossFit Yoga
Flexibility/mobility restrictions lead to poor mechanical positions in the gym and in life and when unaddressed low quality movement patterns inevitably results in nagging pain and injury. Pure laziness, and/or lack of time, often prevents us from dealing with these issues. Here at Southie, we have come up with a solution to help keep your body tuned up without having to miss out on your daily dose of burpees, CrossFit Yoga. Think of the stretching techniques used in Yoga with a CrossFit spin. Each class will be composed of high intensity body weight intervals, to get the blood flowing and heart pumping, interspersed with bouts of stretching ( mobility, static, Yoga poses, etc..), to limber you up while you catch your breath. You can expect to sweat, breath heavy, and leave feeling refreshed and loose. We are very fortunate to have the exquisite Kim Welby, who is also a Yoga instructor at Exhale, leading our classes. CrossFit Yoga classes will be held on Saturday at noon and Sunday at 11am, preregistration is not required but you will have to use one of your classes for the week to take advantage of it.
Class Pre-Registration
In order to preserve quality of training and prevent absolute mayhem, we are know requiring pre-registration for some of our more popular classes. The 9am, 10am and 11am classes on Saturday, the 9am and 10am class on Sunday and all 630pm classes require pre-registration. Please note: if you do not pre-register for a class and show up anyway, you may be turned away if the class is full. Pre-Registration is simple. It can be done right here on the website. Just click on the Class Registration tab above and the class schedule will pop up. Click on a class you would like to register for and then follow the on screen instructions. If you have trouble pre-registering you may have provided us with an incorrect e-mail or we are unable to read your chicken scratch. Please resend your e-mail to [email protected] and we will get you set up. You can register for classes anywhere from a week in advance until right before the class is about to start. Class reservations may be canceled up to a day before the scheduled class. Please note: if you register for a class, it is your responsibility to show up, the class is counted towards your membership either way. Let us know if you have any questions.
5 minutes of Rowing (calories)
4 minutes of Situps
3 minutes of Push Ups
2 minutes of Swings
1 minute of Burpees
Your score is your total # of reps.