Crossfit Whopper

Wed night Oly cancelled is suspended indefinitely due to low attendance.  Sat class will run as normally scheduled.

Sports Wellness on Saturday!
Dr. Miguel will be here this Saturday and still has some available appointments. Click HERE to schedule your appointment!

A Note From Coach Yosh about the Baystate Games
The BayState Games are quickly approaching, and one of the events they will host again this Summer is their Olympic Weightlifting Meet. I wanted to take a moment to hopefully encourage some of you to compete! This is a really great event held at UMASS Boston’s Athletic Center on Saturday July 21st & Sunday July 22nd.

The added bonus of this event is that you are not required to be an active USA Weightlifting Member to compete, so it’s perfect for just about any level of experience. For those unfamiliar with how a Weightlifting Meet runs, you are basically allowed 3 attempts at your max Snatch and Clean&Jerk. So for those interested in testing new 1RMs, or just looking to lift heavy, you have a perfect opportunity.

If you are even somewhat interested in this, or have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. It’d be awesome to get a group of us to go represent CrossFit Southie!

Partner Up!
P1- Fish Game
P2- Squat Therapy & Shoulder Activators

Hang Squat Clean

WOD (35 mins)
1000m Row
40 Wallballs
50 Pull-ups
40 Wallballs
1000m Row

Level 2- 40 Pull-ups
Level 1- 30 WB/30 Pull-ups
ADV – 30lb Wall Balls/50 C2B

Extra Work
Sandbag Stone Over Shoulder (240/190)
Bar Muscle Ups

*Scale sandbag stone weight as necessary