We will be holding a reduced schedule in the morning and night by only running classes in Southie Green today. There will be no 6am, 7am, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30pm. The remainder of the day remains the same.
Butterfly pull-ups
“Marathon Monday”
5 Rounds
4 Squat Clean and Jerks (185,125)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
13 Burpee lateral jumps
After 5 rounds are complete:
800m run
*Your time is your total time for all 5 rounds plus the 800m sprint.
Today we WOD to honor everyone who was impacted by the Marathon bombings last year. Make sure you sprint your heart out on that 800m run!
Level 3- (155,105)
Level 2- (135,85)
Level 1- (105,55),4 Rounds
Mobility Class:
Upper Body