Creepin – CompetitorWOD

Filming someone filming

Memorial Day Schedule (5/29) – 9am + 10am Only

30 dubs heavy
10 OHS with 2 second pause in the bottom
30 dubs heavy
10 sots press
30 dubs heavy
5 tall snatch
5 squat snatch

Mess around with the SA OH DB Lunges

Every 2 Minutes for 14 Minutes
3 Squat Snatches- 75-85% of 1 RM.*

*drop and reset each rep to work on the pull off the floor and posi-tioning. No touch and go.

100-ft. dumbbell overhead walk-ing lunge (80,55)
100 double-unders
50 wall-ball shots
15-ft. rope climb, 10 ascents
50 wall-ball shots
100 double-unders
100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge