Creating a Safe Exercise Program for Those With Cancer


Melanie Bowen reached out to us in hope of providing the CFS community with a special guest blog.  She recently has been researching and writing about how staying physically fit can be extremely beneficial to people going through cancer treatments and how exercise can be a conduit for healing of many different diseases (including cancer) by giving back energy levels, reducing stress, creating better blood flow, etc. Without further a due….

After being diagnosed with cancer, it is time to immediately taking action in order to promote a longer and healthier life. While these types of results can be difficult to cope with, there are a number of steps that can be carried out in order to make this process as easy and comfortable as possible. For many, this means coming up with a complete exercise program that can be used during treatment and after the cancer has gone into remission. Here is a look at the best way to create a personalized plan for exercising as well as some of the unique benefits of staying healthy during this trying period.

Outside of the essential traditional treatments, a positive outlook, and a well-structured diet, a consistent exercise program is one of the most important steps that must be taken. According to many studies, every patient that is struggling with this ordeal should not only come up with a custom exercise program, but create one that is unique to their own needs, situation, and form of cancer. This is especially important for all patients that are currently being treated for, or have recently been diagnosed with lymphoma, mesothelioma, and all other forms of cancer.

The first thing to remember in these situations is that it is important to exercise every single day, or a minimum of five days a week unless there are specific medical reasons in which some form of exercise cannot be carried out. Those that have the ability to do so should aim for at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise a day without raising their heart rate to an unhealthy level. Even just a few simple exercises per week are much more beneficial than the rare grueling workout.

One exercise that requires no equipment outside of comfortable shoes and clothing is walking or jogging. Not only will this get the heart rate up, but it will also increase the amount of endorphins that the body produces. This chemical is closely related to feelings of happiness and confidence. Yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, and cycling are three popular options for low-impact sports and could prevent any serious injuries for those that are just beginning this journey.

No matter what exercise one carries out, it is one of the most beneficial practices for those that have been diagnosed with cancer or undergoing stressful medical treatments. Exercise provides a long list of physical benefits including strengthening muscles and bones, reduced fatigue, and improved cardiovascular function, which reduces the risks of heart related side effects. Furthermore, physical activity provides a wealth of mental benefits as well. Exercise releases endorphins throughout the body, which have mood-boosting effects. This can be especially beneficial for cancer patients who often have to battle depression in addition to their disease.

It is important to speak with a doctor before beginning any exercise regimens to make sure it is beneficial, and not detrimental to your health. That said, talk to your doctor today and get started as soon as possible!


4 Rounds
15 Shoulder to Overhead (135,95)
15 Knees to elbows
15 Burpees

Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (85, 45), 4 Rounds