Endurance Program is on tonight. Meet Brogan at the garage door of Southie Green at 6:30pm. This is a free class, take advantage.

David Neumeyer is bike riding in September for the American Lung Association on the Cape (Autumn Escape Bike Trek). He has been doing this ride for many years, his first year back in 1996. It’s a great cause and lots of fun and he was hoping the CFS community would help out with his fundraising. There is a mall collection bin at the desk of Southie Green where you can leave any donations. His hope is to get most (if not all) to donate $1 and raise about $500. If you would rather contribute directly to his fundraising page, you can do so here. Lastly, if anyone is interested in riding, there team could always use more recruits.
L-sit Hold
Gymnastics with the parallettes
Alternating tabatta
Partner WOD
Row 750m
Row 500m
Row 250m
10 Rounds of:
5 Burpee Pull-ups
20 Double Unders
Row 250m
Row 500m
Row 750m
Level 2 – 10 Double Unders
Level 1 – 40 singles
-One person works at a time. Partner A Rows an entire 750m while Partner B rests then partner b rows 750m so on and so forth. After completing the rows each partner will complete 5 Rounds of the burpee pull-ups and dubs in the same fashion and then return to the rows.