Today’s mobility will be the coach’s choice but don’t hesitate to watch the video below and try out this amazing over head position stretch. Feel free to ask a coach for help and remember to place your bands back after using…enjoy!
Thoracic Spine
Overhead Position
1000m Row
21 Overhead Squats (115,75)
800m Run
21 Toes to Bar
750m Row
15 Overhead Squats
600m Run
15 Toes to Bar
500m Row
9 Overhead Squats
400m Run
9 Toes to Bar
Level 2 (95,55)
Level 1 (75,35), 750,600,500,400,250,200
Conditioning Class: WOD
4 Rounds
1 minute on, :30 off
-Ski Erg
-Jump Rope
Conditioning Class: Core
3 Rounds
10 Barbell Rollouts
10 Windmills