25 cals erg
25 shoulder taps
25 cals air dyne
25 shoulder taps
Strength – Work off of your 1rm BS from Monday. If you don’t know your 1rm FS, guestimate. Please stick to the percentages, there are calculators at the desk. If it feels light work on speed and form.
Back Squat – rest about 2 minutes between each set
1×10 60% of your max back squat
1×8 70%
1*6 75%
1*4 80%
Front Squat – rest about 2 minutes between each set
1*5 60% of your max Front Squat
1*5 70%
1*5 70%
1*5 70%
5 Sets Not for time
10/7 Strict Handstand Push-ups followed immediately by a max set of UB kipping handstand push-ups. Record total kipping reps.
-Then Rest 3 Minutes
Regional- 7/5
Open- 10 Slow negative HSPUs to defecit- 3 sets
Max Kipping HSPUs 2 Sets
WOD (25 Minutes)
2 Rounds
750m Row
3 Minutes Rest
400m Sandbag Sprint (5,4)
3 Minutes Rest
50,40 Calorie AD
3 Minutes Rest
-Each for Time