Coach’s Corner Shira Brandt!

Coach’s Corner – Shira Brandt!
Shira has been a dedicated member of the CFS community since December of 2017 and has ben coaching at southie since the start of 2022. Shira has always put a strong effort into everything she does in the gym. She has grown as an athlete over the years and we’re excited to have her as a new leader in the community. Shira has been a big part of the community – participating in numerous nutrition challenges, in-house competitions and social outings. Check out her interview below to learn more about Coach Shira!

Which Classes do you currently coach?
Wednesdays 6 and 7 AM

Years as a crossfitter and coach?

I started CrossFit in December of 2017!

What is Your favorite part of being a crossfit coach?
I’m still new but it’s amazing when people accomplish something they’ve been working at and how excited and proud they are – not just a lift PR but getting dubs, or improving their chest to bar efficiency, etc.


What is Your Favorite WOD and Movement?
Not sure on a favorite WOD but I love power cleans, deadlifts, GHD sit ups and rope climbs.

Tell us about your Athletic background!
I grew up playing all kinds of sports – field hockey, track and field, soccer, skiing, etc.

Can you give us a Small piece of advice for Newbies and/or Veteran athletes?
It’s easier said than done, but don’t be intimidated – we all were once the newbie and everything takes time and patience to learn. And try to not cherry pick! The only way to get better is to work on your weaknesses.

Fun Fact most people don’t know about you?!
I pole vaulted in high school

What do you enjoy about the CFS Community?
Everyone genuinely wants you to succeed and we all support one another and cheer each other on. It’s also so much more than just a gym, it’s nearly impossible to not make friends with others the second you walk in the door.

Shira at the 2019 Southie Showdown!

6:00 EMOM
1. 12/10 Calorie Row
2. 5 Moon To Sky*
3. 40 Double Unders or 60 Singles

*Round 2 – 12 Glute Bridges w/Barbell

Front Squat
1. 5 Reps @75% (straight sets)
2. Weighted Glute Bridge*
10 Reps
3. Rest

*If experienced with hip thrusts complete the 10 with a bench and a barbell

3 Rounds
500m Row
75 Double Unders

Level 2- 40 Double Unders,
Level 1- 150 Singles
ADV – 100 Dubs

Extra Work
Sandbag Over Shoulder (140/90)
Wall Climb

Alternate between Sandbag and Wall Climbs each round