10 kb thrusters
50 dubs
Run a loop
50 dubs
10 kb thrusters
Mobilize everything
3 Rounds Not For Time
50ft Handstand Walk
10 L-pull-ups- >90 degree angle
Games- 100ft
WOD (20 Minutes)
-In 3 Minutes Complete
400m Sprint
20 Double Unders
then AMRAP
Kettlebell Thrusters (1.5/1)
Rest 2 Minutes
-In 3 Minutes Complete
400m Sprint
20 Double Unders
then AMRAP
Toes to Bar
Rest 2 Minutes
-In 3 Minutes Complete
400m Sprint
20 Double Unders
then AMRAP
Rest 2 Minutes
-In 3 Minutes Complete
400m Sprint
20 Double Unders
then AMRAP
Chest to Bar Pull-ups