skin the cat
perform 10 clap push ups betwen each set of ball ups.
Speed Strength
1. Close Grip Bench press with chains 8×3 on the minute or faster at 60% of 1rm plus chains
2. Power Clean & Split Jerk
3. 1 attempt at max muscle ups
8 minute AMRAP
5 Hang Power Cleans
10 Clap Push Ups
Games (185/135)
Regional (155/105)
Open (135/95); 5 clap push ups per round
4. Push up drop set – guys start with 4-15lb plates do as many push ups as possible take a plate away do as many push as possible and so on and so forth until you complete a set of pushups un-weighted.
Ca$H Out – 1 attempt each at…
Max Dead hang pull ups
Max Strict HSPUs
Max Kipping Pull Ups
Max Kipping HSPUs
Rest as much time as necessary in-between each max attempt.