In-House Team Throwdown! – Saturday 5/14
The In-House competition is for everyone: newbies, first time competitors, long time members, seasoned athletes and everyone in between. It’s a no-pressure opportunity to have some fun in a friendly competition format as well as an opportunity to meet some new people at the gym… because we’ll be making the teams for you!
Teams will be co-ed and will be made up of 2 Rx/ADV athletes and 1 Scaled athlete. You will choose the division you wish to participate in and then complete the workouts with the prescribed weights or movements. Your coaches will be creating the teams to make sure that they are fair AND fun. We’ll announce the teams and workouts ahead of time so that you will have the opportunity to meet and come up with a game plan. Creative team names and outfits are HIGHLY encouraged but not required.
As always, we’ll close the day out with some adult bevy’s and a BBQ in the parking lot. To reiterate, this is more fun than competitive. We encourage EVERYONE that is able to make it to sign up and participate! If you are on the fence, talk to someone in class who took part last year or ask one of your coaches.
For registration Follow This Link. $20 Registration – All $$ will go to a BBQ Parking Lot Party to be held immediately after the Throwdown
Not sure which division you should sign up for? Use these suggested standards as a guideline.
-Rx Division-
Unassisted Pull ups
Box Jumps 24, 20”
Wall balls 20/14# to 10’ Target Males – (9′ Target Females)
1.5/1Pd Kettlebell Swings
-Scaled Division-
Jumping Pull ups
Box Jumps OR Step ups 24, 20”
Wall balls 14/10# to 10’ target (9′ target for ladies)
1.5/1Pd Russian Kettlebell Swings
-Advanced Division-
Chest To Bar or Bar Muscle Ups
1.5/1pd Single Arm KB Snatch
30/20# Wall Ball to 10′ target (9′ for ladies) – 5 at a time
Warm Up
400M Run
Few Dynamic Drills Across The Floor
Bike/Shuttle Run Sprint
2 Rounds
3:00 for
7/5 Calories
One Round Shuttle Sprint Across The Floor
With A Partner
P1 – 300’ Farmer’s Carry (1.5/1)
P2 – Rest
P1 – 200’ Front Rack Carry
P2 – Rest
P1 – 100’ Overhead Carry
P2 – Rest
ADV – First Two Carries (2/1.5)
At 0:00,10:00,20:00
Each For Time
1|.8 Mile Bike
400m Run
75 Double Unders
10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder 140|90
Level 2- .8|.6 Bike, 300m Run, 30 double Unders, 120|70,
Level 1- 90|50, .7|.5mile bike, 200m Run, 150 Singles
Coaches Note – Aim for 2+ minutes of rest in your first round. Scale as necessary.
*Run Sub 200m
Extra Work
Work up to a Heavy Weight for the Complex
2 Deadlifts
2 Cleans Anyhow