Don’t forget, Bring a Friend Day is TODAY! Grab a buddy and come to the 9:30am, 10:30am, or 2pm class. This is a great opportunity to introduce someone to CrossFit for the first time. We’ll do a partner workout so you can workout with your friend and help them through the WOD. It’s always a fun time – see you there!
Crossfit Southie will be hosting a group “field trip” to the Body Worlds Exhibit on Saturday, July 26th. The exhibition features 15 full bodies, 200 supporting exhibits of organs, body slices, photographs, etc. and concentrates on health and wellness to show just exactly how your lifestyle affects the body. Body Worlds is on the 2nd floor of Quincy Market in Faneuil hall, so there’s plenty to do and see in the area as well. We’ll plan to meet on the 2nd floor 15 minutes before our 11 am tour. Tickets are $20 per person and must be paid in advance. We can easily add your ticket cost to your Southie account. We need to get a head count a couple weeks in advance, so if you would like to join please sign up HERE. Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity!
When: Saturday, July 26th @ 11 am
Where: 200 Faneuil Hall Marketplace (west side of the 2nd floor of Quincy Market)
Cost: $20
400m Sandbag Run (3/2)
20 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 Toes to Bar
200m Sandbag Run
100 Double Unders
200m Sandbag Run
20 Toes to Bar
20 OHS
400m Sandbag Run
Level 2 (75,55)
Level 1 (65,35)
9:30, 10:30 & 2pm classes
Bring a friend Day WOD
3 Rounds
Run 800m
30 Burpees
40 Wallballs (20,14)
50 Box Jumps
60 Medball Partner Sit-ups
**Only one teammate works at a time. You can partition the reps and runs between the partners