Category: Oly

Saturday 4/20 – OlyWOD

**Schedule Update – There will be no Coach led Oly Class Today. Come in at 10AM and hit the programming with your Oly Classmates! A) Hang Snatch -5×3 B) Behind neck Snatch push press -3×10 C) Snatch pulls -4×6

Saturday 4/13 – OlyWOD

A) Halting Clean deadlift + Clean from below knee -5 sets; staying light to focus on posture & position B) Front Squat + Jerk -4x (3+1) C) Clean pulls -5×2

Saturday 4/6 – OlyWOD

A) Snatch Balance + OHS (1+2) -5 sets; staying light here, focus is on posture & position B) Tall Snatch -4×3 C) Snatch segment pull -3×5 *This will be from the floor to about mid thigh


Snatch Build to a Heavy Single Clean & Jerk Build to a Heavy Single

Saturday 3/16 – OlyWOD

Snatch -These will be from hip/below knee/floor 5 sets Front Squat -5/4/3/2/1 Clean pull Floor/below knee x3 80/ 90/ 100%

Saturday 3/9 – OlyWOD

Clean&Jerk 5 singles 5 singles w/ + 10#/5# 5 singles w/ + 10#/5# -5 more singles increasing 5#/2.5# each lift. Back Squat -5×3 all at same weight Snatch pull 5/4/3/2/1

Saturday 2/23 – OlyWOD

A) Clean&Jerk (2+2) – 4 sets at 80-85% B) Pause Front Squat – 5 sets; 3 seconds in the hole explode up. *Try without using a bounce (stretch reflex). Just stand up HARD C) Rack pulls – 3×5

Saturday 2/16 – OlyWOD

A) Snatch pull + Hang Snatch (1+2) – 50/ 60/ 65/ 70 (2x) B) Snatch Balance – 6×2 See how heavy you can go with this C) Snatch first pulls – 5×3 warm up, then I want all sets to be done at higher than max snatch