Stupid Snow. No AM classes :(

SFC Lance H. Vogeler(KIA 1 OCT 2010,OEF)

Pose running enthusiast and CrossFit Southie frequent, Drew Wallace will be running the Boston Marathon barefoot.  He will be running to raise funds for the family of a close friend, and fellow Army Ranger, who passed while deployed.  Click here to  help support the cause.

Power Snatch


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Unbroken KB Swings (70, 53)“Cannonball” consists of completing seven UNBROKEN sets of kettlebell swings.  Begin the workout by completing 21 consecutive KBS then set the kettlebell down, resting only long enough to complete another unbroken set of 18.  If a set is “broken” you must repeat that set.  Continue descending by 3 reps each set to completion.