Friday Night Lights With Redline Gear! – CFS


We will be running one box today at 530, 630 and 9am.  We will close for the rest of the day after the 9am class.

We are excited to announce that we will be holding another Friday Night Lights event THIS Friday night for 17.4! Our first Friday Night Lights was a great time. There was a great crowd supporting the athletes, pushing them to achieve their best results on 17.1. It was also just a great excuse to socialize with your WOD buddies and have a cold drink (or two). We know that this one will be the same!redline_logo_for_site_1427126668__49862

We are pumped to have REDLINE GEAR sponsoring this event. Come on down, do the workout and celebrate after, or don’t do the workout and just cheer your friends on. You’ll have a chance to shop for all of Redline’s newest and best gear. Sammy Sprinkles will be in the DJ Booth again, back by popular demand. You don’t want to miss this event!

General classes will be cancelled on Friday evening in lieu of the event. Everyone is welcome to participate in Friday Night Lights, regardless of whether or not you are signed up for the Open. Like last time, we will ask that you stick around to judge one heat of the workout after you complete your workout. We appreciate the help! We hope to see you all there to celebrate the homestretch of The Open!

To reserve your spot at Friday Night Lights, please click HERE.

Shoulder Stability
– Shoulder Taps
– Waiter Walks
– Wheelbarrow walks

20 Minute AMRAP
50 Calorie Row Buy-in
4 Rounds
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Wallballs

After 4th Round, In the remaining time:
Max Calories on the Rower

*Sub 50 Calorie Ski erg or Bike with a 35 Calorie Buy-in