For those of you who have not had the pleasure of meeting Kelsey, she is a student at Tulane University down in New Orleans. Kelsey had an internship at Harvard this summer, which is what brought her to us.When we first met Kelsey back in June we had no idea how much she would become a part of the Southie community in 2 months time. With little to no experience Crossfitting before Southie, she amazed us with her gymnastic skills, strength, and tenacity. She came in with the mindset of a competitor, and has brought her “A” game every class. On Saturday Kelsey is leaving us for the school year; we are devastated to see her go. The coaches here at Southie will miss her bright smile, eagerness to learn. and her passion for CrossFit. Come back next Summer Kelsey!!!!!
Calf & Hamstring Rolling
Midline Stability
50 Hollow Rocks
4 Rounds
800m Run
20 Burpee Box Jumps (24,20)
Level 2- 3 Rounds
Level 1- 3 Rounds/400m Runs/10 BBJs