Buddy Up! – CompetitorWOD

With your partner
100 Calories on the Ski Erg
-Spend 5-10 Minutes warming up Snatch complex.

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat

-Work on quickness under the bar for both snatch movements

Back Squat

Partner WOD
12 Minute AMRAP
3 Squat Snatches (155,105)
4 Ring Muscle-ups
5 Burpee Box Jumps

Games- 155,105
Regional- (135,95) 2 linked Mups
Open- 1 Muscle-up

For Max Rounds

Rest 3 minutes

8 minute AMRAP
For Max Calories
Minutes 0-4 Row
Minutes 4-8 Bike

One person works a time.