Final standing from the in-house throw down can be found here
Front Squat
-Between sets complete 10 Bandy side steps in each direction
Burpee Box Jumps
Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
Level 2 (1.5,1)
Level 1 (1,0.75)
50 Hollow rocks
-Each time you complete 10 reps, complete 10 quick bicycle abs
Conditioning Class: WOD
“Tabata Mashup”
Tabata Airdyne for Calories
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Row OR Skierg for Calories
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Double Unders
Conditioning Class: Core
3 x :60 isometric hip extension hold on GHD with arms extended
Adv – add weight
Work in with a partner. Rest as needed.