Bring-A-Friend Day!
Have you always wanted to try crossfit and see what all the buzz is about? Today is your chance to try out a beginner friendly WOD here at CrossFit Southie and see what it’s all about! So get ready for the best hour of your day! Free WOD Day is happening This Thursday! All are welcome to drop-in for any class! No prior experience with CrossFit is necessary and no advanced registration required. Please just be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes early prior to your class to fill out a waiver. We can’t wait to meet you! Member’s please bring your friends and Non-Members come in and make some new friends!
With Mini Bands
In 2:00
10|8 Cal Bike
AMRAP Banded Arnold Press
In 2:00
10|8 Calorie Bike
AMRAP Plank Walk with Band Around Wrists
In 2:00
10|8 Calorie Bike
AMRAP Banded Bicycle Abs
5 Inchworms with Increasing Push-Up
10 Down Dog Toe Touches
10 Scorpions
3 Reps
WOD (20 Minute Cap)
3 Rounds
30|22 Cal Bike
25 Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5
75 Double Unders
Schwinn = 45|33 Cals
Level 2 – 1.5|1, 40 Double Unders
Level 1 – 1|0.75, 150 Single Unders
Extra Work
-100’ Farmer’s Carry after each round (1.5|1)
2:00 Rest
-Bar Muscle Up
-100’ Farmer’s Carry after each round
-Scale Pull-Overs to
5 Strict Pull-Ups + 5 Strict Leg Raises
-Scale Bar Muscle-ups with Jumping, banded or x2 Chest To Bar