Bring A Friend Double Workout!

#TBT – Coach Zach’s EPIC Member of the Month Photo (2016)

Partner Up!
P1- Row 250/200m
P2- Plank Hold
P1- Row 250/200m
P2- Wall sit

2 Box Squats

Bring a Friend WOD 1
15 Minute AMRAP
250M Row
5 Shoulder to Overhead (135,95)
10 Wallballs

Level 2- 115,75
Level 1- 95,50
Beginner Friends- (75,35)
ADV- 165,110; 30/20lb Wallball

One person works at a time- Earn your rest!
Score=Total Reps

Rest 2 Minutes

100 Sit-ups for time. One person works while the other rests.

ADV – No resting, partner holds a plank

4:45 Conditioning WOD
Every 4 Minutes for 20 Minutes
500m Row

Rest 5 Minutes

Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes
0.6 Mile Bike

Report fastest and slowest splits. It should start at a 90- 95% pace. Do not crush yourself on the first sprint!