Reminder: Registration for the Southie Showdown goes live today at high noon – 12:00pm. Make sure you secure your spot…they sell out fast so don’t miss out! You can reach the registration page by clicking here.
Attention all Paleo Challengers!!! Attention all Paleo Challengers!!! Feeling lethargic? Not experiencing that extra push in the late rounds of a WOD? Don’t worry, I’ve got the solution, eat paleo friendly carbs around workout times and increase your dietary fat outside of workout times.
Yes, the Paleo diet is great because it prevents us from over eating simple carbohydrates. But in doing so, we are consuming fewer calories and automatically less fuel for our WODs. By eating paleo friendly carbs (sweet potatoes, fruit, coconut water, etc..) before working out, we ensure that these carbs fuel our workout. By consuming these carbs immediately after our WOD, they are used to aid our muscles cells in recovery as opposed to being stored away as body fat.
Outside of workout times, the consumption of high glycemic carb, even if they happen to be Paleo friendly, are likely to be stored away as fat when eaten alone or in excess. Instead, during these times, increase the amount of healthy fats you (avocado, olive oil, nut butter) consume to the point where you feel as if you are back to yourself crushing WODs. And be sure to enjoy shedding that body fat at the same time!
Back Squat
3 rounds
60 Double Unders
30 Wallballs (20,14)
20 Deadlifts (185,115)
Level 2- (155,105)
Level 1- (115,75)
Mobility Class:
Hamstrings + Calves