Little Warrior WOD 15.6
The Little Warrior Foundation was created by our very own member, Chad Verry, to help fund the research and development to aid in the fight against childhood cancer. To help show our CFS community support, we will be hosting an event on Saturday April 11th to benefit the foundation. Riding the momentum of the CrossFit Open, we are going to refer to the Little Warriour WOD as 15.6. Similar to the Open WODs, The Little Warrior WOD itself will be announced 8:00pm (ETD) on Thursday April 2, 2015 and will compliment the Open WODs. Don’t worry, unlike 15.3, it will be for everyone. On Saturday April 11, 2015 we will be running the WOD during classes and will have a friendly competition like atmosphere, similar to the Open WODs. You will partner up and judge each other so bring a friend! Prizes will be awarded to the best male and female scores for the day.
Minimum suggested donation will be $40.00 and that includes a Little Warrior WOD T-shirt color of your choice along with a Reebok 20% discount coupon. If you would like to make a separate or additional donation, they can be made at the box the day of or on the Little Warrior website here. All funds collected directly benefit the Little Warrior foundation.
You have worked hard all year for the Opens, for yourself and for your team and now is your chance to help others. This WOD is for the brave little children who are affected by cancer. This WOD, everyone comes out a winner. How big is your brave…
Please keep your eyes peeled to the blog in the coming weeks and also go to the Little Warrior Facebook page, “Like” it to keep up to date with the event and future events. You can click join and also donate through there.
“Biathlon style”
60 Kettlebell Swings (1.5, 1pd)
50 Wallballs
40 Power Snatches (75,55)
30 Ring Dips
*Each time you break a set complete 20 double unders. You do not have to complete dubs in-between sets.
Level 2 – (1 ,0.75pd), 10 Double Unders
Level 1 – (0.75,0.5pd), 30 singles, 40-30-20-10
ADV- 2pd, 1.5pd *You should be able to do 30 unbroken swings to use this weight
Conditioning Class: WOD
7 Rounds
In 2 minutes complete:
200m Run
AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 1
Conditioning Class: Core
Hollow Rocks
AbMat Situps