Midday Classes will be held OUTDOORS where temps allow
Turkey Day Schedule – Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble……
Monday– Normal Hours
Tuesday– Normal Hours
Wednesday– 5,6,7,8,11, 12,3,4,5pm *close at 6pm*
Thursday– ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAY WOD- 8am and 9am** Non-coached WOD 7am with Goose
Friday– 9,10,11,12pm (open gym 8-2pm)
Saturday– 8,9,10,11 Open Gym starting at 6:30am, Non-Coached WOD with Goose at 7am
Sunday– Normal Schedule
Warm Up
Partner Up!
P1 – 12|10 Calorie Row
P2 – Bar Facing Burpees
P1 – 12|10 Calorie Row
P2 – Muscle Snatch (Rotate Through Positions)
Hamstring Stretching
1 Min Work| 20s Rest
-GHD Back Extension
-Wall Walk
-Is Ys Ts Ws
-GHD Hip Extension
-Wall Walk
-Is Ys Ts Ws
-GHD Sit-Up
-Wall Walk
-Is Ys Ts Ws
Partner WOD
4 Power Snatches 135|95
8 Bar Facing Burpee
12|10 Calorie Row
You go, I go. For Max Rounds & Reps
Level 3- 115|75
Level 2- 95|55
Level 1- 75|35
Extra Work
Every 5 Minutes for 3 Rounds
9 Muscle Ups*
30ft Hs Walk
36 Pistols
30ft HS Walk
ADV – Over Obstacle
*Shoot for 1-2 minutes of Rest. Muscle Ups should be 1-2 sets. Scale the # and/or perform Bar Muscle Ups or C2B Pull Ups. Pistols should not take more than 90s. Scale the # or perform Goblet Lunges.