Benchmark WOD: OPEN WOD 14.4


Reduced schedule today with All Levels classes in Southie Green at 530, 630, 9,11, 12, 4,5,6 & 7pm only. 630pm CTX will be held in Southie Orange but all other Southie Orange classes including the 6am CTX class are cancelled.

In 6 Minutes
25/20 Cal Row or Ski
25 V-Ups
15 Jumping Squats
10 False Grip Ring Rows
In remaining time: Hollow Rocks


OPEN WOD 14.4– Benchmark
14 Minute AMRAP
60 Calorie row
50 Toes-to-bar – Chris Spealler T2B Efficiency Video
40 Wall-ball shots, (20 to 10-foot target/14 to 9-foot)
30 Power Cleans, 135|95
20 Muscle-Ups

Level 3 – Ring Dips
Level 2 – 115|75, Ring Dips 50-30-30-20 Reps
Level 1 – 95|55, 40-30-30-20-10 Ring Dips

Scores/Comments from 1/23/19

Scores/Comments from 2/14/17

Optional Partner Conditioning
120/100 Calorie Ski
150 Sit-ups (partner holds plank)

-Take turns on the ski erg to complete the calories. Then accumulate 150 sit-ups while your partner completes a plank hold. Bike/Air Runner Sub = 100/80 cals

Extra Work
BodyWeight Bench
Strict Pull Ups

Scaled – ¾ bodyweight

*Bench should be no more than 2 sets each time.