Benchmark WOD: “Nancy” – CompetitorWOD


Warm Up
2 Rounds
200M Run
10 Overhead Squat
10 Lat Pull Down with PVC and Band
10 KB Halo
10 Kip Swings with Lacrosse ball in between feet

Benchmark WOD
5 Rounds
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95,65)

For Time
5 Rounds
3 Strict Presses
4 Push-presses
5 Push-jerks
– Pick your weight. Should be around 85% of 1 RM Strict Press
Rest Exactly 3 Minutes Then
For Time
5 Rounds
5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
5 Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-ups
5 Kipping Pull-ups