Benchmark WOD “Nancy”

Primarily Outdoors

Run 400m
20 PVC Pass Throughs
Run 300m
15 Snatch Grip Behind Neck PVC Press
Run 200m
10 PVC Overhead Squats

Benchmark WOD
5 Rounds
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95|65

Level 2- 75|55
Level 1- 55|35

30 Single Leg Jack Knives
30 Sit-ups
30 Hollow Rocks

Repeat with 20 Reps and then 10 reps of each

Extra Work
Warm Up With
2 rounds
:30 work/:15 Rest
-Shoulder Activators on Rings
-Kip Swing On Rings
-Ring Pull-Ups


2 Rounds
5 Transitions on Low Rings
1:00 Rest


10:00 AMRAP
3/2 Ring Muscle Ups*
6 Sandbag Over Shoulder (140/90)
9/7 Calorie Bike

Rest 5:00

Then 3 Max Attempts on the rings. Rest as needed between attempts.

Scaling options
2/1 Reps in WOD or :40 of attempts
*Chest To Bar x 2
*For Max attempts give yourself 1:00 for AMRAP

ADV – 5/3 Muscle Ups