Benchmark WOD: “Murph” – CFS

Old School Day of Murph

Due to the parade there will be start times of 8am and 8:30am for Murph. There will be a short gathering afterwards with light food and drinks. Hope to see you bright and early!

1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

Level 3- 75 pull-ups, 150 Push-ups, 200 squats
Level 2- 50 pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, 150 squats
Level 1 800m Runs, 30 pull-ups, 60 push-ups,90 squats

Scores/Comments from Murph on 7/21/15
Scores/Comments from Murph on 3/8/15

Weekly Strength – Benchmark Schedule

Travel/At Home WOD
4 Rounds
30 Seconds Push Ups
30 Second Handstand Hold
30 Seconds Air Squats
30 Second Bottom Squat Hold
30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
30 Second Hollow Hold
Rest 1 Minute